I recently moved to Colchester to set up home with my family after living and working in London for a number of years. Having discovered the Waiting Room before we settled here, I was immensely pleased to be invited by co-founder Marc De’ath to host an exhibition of my new photographs – a series called ‘Everlasting’.
This project takes its inspiration from traditional tattoo designs. I employed a playful and, at times, tongue-in-cheek approach, constructing still life photographs from objects that I’ve collected to evoke the designs of tattoos.
I decided to focus on traditional sailor tattoos that feature swallows, skulls, daggers, hearts and roses. I worked with predominantly mass produced toy-like props to reference the often comic and cartoon-like nature of this genre of tattoos.
I’ve been fascinated by tattoos ever since I was a kid. I’m interested in the language and symbolism of tattoos and how a design becomes almost a cultural icon or symbol when it’s repeated over time. In this project I wanted to see whether the visual language specific to tattoo culture translates to photography.
I’d like to invite you to come view my work on Friday 18th November, 6pm-9pm, or Saturday 19th November, 10am-4pm. If you see something you like, prints are available at
For more information:
Tom Brannigan – [email protected]. 07584046845
For press enquires, including interview requests and images:
[email protected]