Repair Reuse Recycle – Chris needs your vote!

Last year I noticed there was an increasing amount of unwanted household goods going to landfill. So I decided to start a new enterprise to tackle the challenge…

My idea was pretty simple. Use my skills to help local residents repair and recycle their household items. Preventing them going to landfill, saving everyone money while protecting our environment…

To do this, I started a new Community Interest Company called ‘Wivenhoe Repair Reuse Recycle CIC’ and at the end of last year the Waiting Room asked me if I’d like to have a workshop next to their Maker Space.

Needless to say, I jumped at the chance!

In addition to saving money and the environment, my aim is to help train local people to repair things for themselves – which fitted very well with the Waiting Room’s own DIY community ethos.

I’ll be running regular open cafe style workshops at the Waiting Room (times to be announced), where residents can learn to fix things properly for themselves. I also hope to run a programme of training and employment opportunities for those who want to build their confidence, develop new skills or get back themselves into work.

We are pleased to announce we have been short listed on Colchester Big Choice. Please vote for us by clicking on the link below.


Also you can follow our story and find out more about our project by visiting our Facebook page

Thank you

Chris Blomely

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