Megan Fowler

All Change at VoQ HQ!

The times they are a changin’ here at Voices of the Quarter, as recently we’ve sadly said goodbye to one of our project co-ordinators Freddy, as he moves on to pastures new. We’re sure he’ll pop back for a cuppa every now again, and on November 8th he’ll be presenting a talk about the St Botolphs’ Quarter during WW1 for us, over at our golden neighbours, firstsite. More details of that event will be released nearer the time.

We’ll miss Freddy terribly, but we are lucky to have two new additions to our volunteer team in the shape of Amy and myself, Megan. We’re Waiting Room regulars, avid supporters of the Cultural Quarter, and longstanding members of craft group Stitch & Bitch Colchester. Alongside VoQ co-ordinator Bethan, we are looking forward to hearing your stories and coming up with creative responses with you.

amyAmy Turnbull
Amy is originally from Northumberland but has lived in Colchester for over 10 years, she’s always loved a good museum, and has a very inquisitive nature.


Megan Fowler
I came to college in Colchester and have spent the last 10 years trying not to leave. I’ve worked and volunteered in museums since leaving university.

Be sure to pop in to the VoQ Archive Room soon to welcome us to the gang!

The VoQ Archive Room is open Wednesdays 7-9pm and Saturdays 12-4pm, so drop in for a chat.

Alternatively you can email your story to us at [email protected] or add it to our facebook page.

VoQ needs you!

If you want to get involved in the project, we are on the lookout for more volunteer researchers, and creative people to collaborate with to help us come up with interesting outcomes from the stories that we collect. Contact us online or pop in and see us!

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