One Shot - Sign Writing

Last night, graphic designer, artist, printer & sign writer Matt Keeling joined us to help create a new hand painted sign on the The Waiting Room Routemaster Bus. Everyone was invited and around twelve keen painters turned up to learn from an experienced painter and support improving our space.

The sign began by printing out the text, marking it with a little fabric cutter (I’ve forgotten the official name), dusting the small holes with chalk and then grabbing a brush to outline the design. Sounds simple, it’s not really. But it was a lot of fun. We weren’t able to finish the sign during the session but it was fantastic to get it started.

Missed out? Want to help finish our sign? Pop along tonight (Thursday 24th July) for Sign Painters the Movie from 7.30pm and for a chance to crack on with sign writing. Or join us at Maker Wednesday next week to continue with the work alongside our Letterpress Takeover on July 30th from 7.20pm. Please come along in your suitable painting clothes. We will provide everything else you need.

Thanks again to Matt for sharing is knowledge and our supportive workshop attenders.

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