BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//The Waiting Room - ECPv3.8.1//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:The Waiting Room X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for The Waiting Room X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150112T090000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150112T160000 DTSTAMP:20141225T110745 CREATED:20141209T193807 LAST-MODIFIED:20141209T193807 UID:3683-1421053200-1421078400@ SUMMARY:allinthemaking/Together We Grow Creative and Nutritional Health Workshop DESCRIPTION:A twelve week programme of craft\, gardening\, coppicing and more for the unemployed. The programme begins with a three-session introductory screen printing project with Tom Armstrong\, and continues with a 12-week programme of nutritional health workshops. Organisations involved: Wayne Setford Together we Grow Sally Ure Reid Allinthemaking Rob Mann Branching Out Inez\,s social Inclusion Team at The Haven (personality disorder centre Julian Carrol C.E.D.A. Jacqui Stone Abberton Rural Training and the R.C.C.E. URL: LOCATION:The Old Bus Station, off Queen Street,, Colchester, CO1 2PH, United Kingdom GEO:0.9038568;51.8886881 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150114T193000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150114T213000 DTSTAMP:20141225T110745 CREATED:20141029T124311 LAST-MODIFIED:20141029T124311 UID:2898-1421263800-1421271000@ SUMMARY:Felt Brooches with Rosiefelt - Stitch & Bitch (Maker Wednesday) DESCRIPTION:Drop kick the new year by making a felt brooch with local crafter Rosie Reilly AKA Rosiefelt. We'll have some brooch backings\, some stuffing and a glue gun. All you need to bring along is your favourite colour felt and join us to make a word\, shape\, animal.... whatever tickles your fancy. Rosie has recently launched an etsy shop making 'handmade felty goodness': Join us to meet Rose and find out more about what she does. You can buy cheap sheets of felt in varying sizes and colours from Franklins. You can also buy cheap little bundles of random off cuts. As always. You are more than welcome to bring along your haberdashery projects to work on with the group. Or use it as a good old fashioned excuse to get knitting. –– WHAT IS STITCH AND BITCH? We're an informal crafty club that meets on the second Wednesday of every month. Alex\, Amy and Meg set up the group as an excuse to get their stitch on with local ladies and gents. Each session is co-hosted by a local textile artists so you can attend a workshop by a like minded created. They are FREE but you will sometimes be asked to bring certain materials/tools to attend. We have a huge bag of fabric for you to rummage through\, plus plenty of needles and thread and the staple ELVIS will be playing. LEARN MORE: –– WHAT IS THE WAITING ROOM? A Hack/Maker/Library Space housed in the former bus station\, hosting events\, workshops\, cafe/kitchen/bar\, and a micro social History Museum. Your Bar will be open serving a superb range of local beer\, wine and cider. Or grab a cuppa and a piece of cake. LEARN MORE: –– WHAT IS MAKER WEDNESDAY? Maker Wednesdays are held every week. They are free and informal workshop and show & tell sessions held at the St Botolph’s Waiting Room. They are open to everyone of all ages\, backgrounds and skills and cover an array of 'Maker' themes. From contemporary creative industries to traditional craft The aim is to provide a flavour of what’s on offer at our Hack/Maker/Library/Space. A shared workshop environment\, accessed via a pay what you can membership scheme. LEARN MORE: URL: LOCATION:The Old Bus Station, off Queen Street,, Colchester, CO1 2PH, United Kingdom GEO:0.9038568;51.8886881 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20150118 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20150119 DTSTAMP:20141225T110745 CREATED:20141109T194322 LAST-MODIFIED:20141207T175706 UID:3099-1421539200-1421625600@ SUMMARY:Shooters In The Pub - Colchester DESCRIPTION:'Shooters In The Pub' is a casual but productive networking evening for Filmmakers\, Writers\, Actors\, Writers\, and anyone with an interest in any area of film production. This is a chance to meet like-minded filmmakers in a friendly atmosphere and build contacts for your next production. - This event takes place on the third Sunday of every month in the St Botolphs Waiting Room. URL: LOCATION:The Old Bus Station, off Queen Street,, Colchester, CO1 2PH, United Kingdom GEO:0.9038568;51.8886881 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150119T090000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150119T140000 DTSTAMP:20141225T110745 CREATED:20141209T193812 LAST-MODIFIED:20141209T193812 UID:3684-1421658000-1421676000@ SUMMARY:allinthemaking/Together We Grow Creative and Nutritional Health Workshop DESCRIPTION:A twelve week programme of craft\, gardening\, coppicing and more for the unemployed. The programme begins with a three-session introductory screen printing project with Tom Armstrong\, and continues with a 12-week programme of nutritional health workshops. Organisations involved: Wayne Setford Together we Grow Sally Ure Reid Allinthemaking Rob Mann Branching Out Inez\,s social Inclusion Team at The Haven (personality disorder centre Julian Carrol C.E.D.A. Jacqui Stone Abberton Rural Training and the R.C.C.E. URL: LOCATION:The Old Bus Station, off Queen Street,, Colchester, CO1 2PH, United Kingdom GEO:0.9038568;51.8886881 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150126T090000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150126T140000 DTSTAMP:20141225T110745 CREATED:20141209T193817 LAST-MODIFIED:20141209T193817 UID:3685-1422262800-1422280800@ SUMMARY:allinthemaking/Together We Grow Creative and Nutritional Workshop DESCRIPTION:A twelve week programme of craft\, gardening\, coppicing and more for the unemployed. The programme begins with a three-session introductory screen printing project with Tom Armstrong\, and continues with a 12-week programme of nutritional health workshops. Organisations involved: Wayne Setford Together we Grow Sally Ure Reid Allinthemaking Rob Mann Branching Out Inez\,s social Inclusion Team at The Haven (personality disorder centre Julian Carrol C.E.D.A. Jacqui Stone Abberton Rural Training and the R.C.C.E. URL: LOCATION:The Old Bus Station, off Queen Street,, Colchester, CO1 2PH, United Kingdom GEO:0.9038568;51.8886881 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150126T150000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150126T170000 DTSTAMP:20141225T110745 CREATED:20141016T155614 LAST-MODIFIED:20141016T160700 UID:2577-1422284400-1422291600@ SUMMARY:Home Educators' Games Meet Up DESCRIPTION:A local home education group for meeting and sharing board games. Email Lisa at if you'd like to attend URL: LOCATION:The Old Bus Station, off Queen Street,, Colchester, CO1 2PH, United Kingdom GEO:0.9038568;51.8886881 ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150127T193000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150127T193000 DTSTAMP:20141225T110745 CREATED:20141126T153933 LAST-MODIFIED:20141126T153933 UID:3428-1422387000-1422387000@ SUMMARY:Letterpress Takeover #7 (Maker Wednesday) DESCRIPTION:The St Botolph's Letterpress Takeover. –– WHAT IS MAKER WEDNESDAY? Maker Wednesdays are held every week. They are free and informal workshop and show & tell sessions held at the St Botolph’s Waiting Room. They are open to everyone of all ages\, backgrounds and skills and cover an array of 'Maker' themes. From contemporary creative industries to traditional craft The aim is to provide a flavour of what’s on offer at our Hack/Maker/Library/Space. A shared workshop environment\, accessed via a pay what you can membership scheme. LEARN MORE: URL: LOCATION:The Old Bus Station, off Queen Street,, Colchester, CO1 2PH, United Kingdom GEO:0.9038568;51.8886881 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150131T130000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150131T150000 DTSTAMP:20141225T110745 CREATED:20141207T193857 LAST-MODIFIED:20141207T193857 UID:3664-1422709200-1422716400@ SUMMARY:Colchester Knitterati Afternoon DESCRIPTION:Meeting on the last Saturday of each month. As well as having a chit-chat\, meeting up with friends and making new ones\, we plan to knit and crochet various items for charities like festival blankets for Oxfam\, little hats for The Big Knit in aid of Age UK\, Baby blankets for EACH (East Anglian Children’s Hospices) and much\, much more! Knitting needles are provided\, but if you prefer to bring your own please feel free to do so! All abilities welcome – so whether you can knit with your eyes shut\, or you’re a novice with the needles\, come along\, we’ll soon have you up and running! If you or anyone you know wants to donate DOUBLE KNIT wool that would be great – thanks. It will all be put to good use to help many charities raise vital funds. Projects so far… Oxfam : Festival blankets EACH : Baby blankets and smock cardigans Battersea Dogs’ & Cats’ home : Blankets for foster homes The Dogs’ Trust : Dog jumpers Knit For Peace : Kids’ jumpers and Teddies Stepping Stones Nigeria : Hand Puppets to help kids read Age UK : The Big Knit (little Innocent Smoothie hats) RSPCA : Christmas Stockings Fish & Chip Baby jumpers\, hats and blankets Tiny Teddies and Bunnies for Colchester Maternity Unit Preemies UK The Little Yellow Duck Project URL: LOCATION:The Old Bus Station, off Queen Street,, Colchester, CO1 2PH, United Kingdom GEO:0.9038568;51.8886881 ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150202T090000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150202T160000 DTSTAMP:20141225T110745 CREATED:20141209T193832 LAST-MODIFIED:20141209T193832 UID:3686-1422867600-1422892800@ SUMMARY:allinthemaking/Together We Grow Creative and Nutritional Health Workshop DESCRIPTION:A twelve week programme of craft\, gardening\, coppicing and more for the unemployed. The programme begins with a three-session introductory screen printing project with Tom Armstrong\, and continues with a 12-week programme of nutritional health workshops. Organisations involved: Wayne Setford Together we Grow Sally Ure Reid Allinthemaking Rob Mann Branching Out Inez\,s social Inclusion Team at The Haven (personality disorder centre Julian Carrol C.E.D.A. Jacqui Stone Abberton Rural Training and the R.C.C.E. URL: LOCATION:The Old Bus Station, off Queen Street,, Colchester, CO1 2PH, United Kingdom GEO:0.9038568;51.8886881 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150204T203000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150204T223000 DTSTAMP:20141225T110745 CREATED:20141023T214214 LAST-MODIFIED:20141023T214214 UID:2750-1423081800-1423089000@ SUMMARY:Latin cooking with Claudia Garrey (Maker Wednesday) DESCRIPTION:Claudia runs a Latin food stall\, Latina la Grocerya\, at the GO4 church in Colchester. She is hosting our food themed session showcasing some of her favourite regional dishes. More TBC –– WHAT IS MAKER WEDNESDAY? Maker Wednesdays are held every week. They are free and informal workshop and show & tell sessions held at the St Botolph’s Waiting Room. They are open to everyone of all ages\, backgrounds and skills and cover an array of 'Maker' themes. From contemporary creative industries to traditional craft The aim is to provide a flavour of what’s on offer at our Hack/Maker/Library/Space. A shared workshop environment\, accessed via a pay what you can membership scheme. LEARN MORE: URL: LOCATION:The Old Bus Station, off Queen Street,, Colchester, CO1 2PH, United Kingdom GEO:0.9038568;51.8886881 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR