By Kate Neilan

New Events Manager for The Waiting Room? Apply now!

The last year has been one of huge changes for me. Twelve months ago, I was a teacher looking for a fresh start. Nine months ago, I took the plunge and left my job but I knew that I didn’t want a gap on my CV and that I didn’t want to lose touch with creative people in my community while I looked for a new direction.

Applying to coordinate events at The Waiting Room was the best decision I’ve ever made. Volunteering for that role meant I could use skills I already had – being organised and a confident communicator, using social media like Facebook and Twitter to promote events, using WordPress to post updates on the Waiting Room website, supporting people while they realised their ideas – and let me develop them further, in a new environment. Not only that, but I had a brilliant time, because it meant I became part of a vibrant, ever-growing, ever-changing group of hackers, makers, foodies, creative, designers, artists… Basically the nicest group of people you could ever hope to meet.

It’s been a wild ride, and The Waiting Room has evolved hugely since I’ve been part of the team – and so have I. Part of The Waiting Room’s ethos is to give people a platform and a space to develop and try out new things, as a stepping stone to their future. Even though I’ve been “behind the scenes”, I’ve experienced that process, and it’s time for me to take the next step. I’m now working in publishing in London, and I’m certain that my time as Events Manager got me there. That means we’re looking for a new Events Manager – do you have what it takes?

We’re looking for candidates with the time and the skills to volunteer to manage The Waiting Room’s events programme in 2015. Our new Events Manager’s first priority will be developing Saturday nights into broad, diverse range of live performances, including adding more drama and spoken word to the line-up. Elsewhere, our basic calendar is already in place, so the people running those events will need a hand promoting what they’re doing and supporting their change and growth.
Have a look at the information below, about the skills I needed and what I gained. If you want to apply, email [email protected] with your CV and a covering letter explaining why you think you’d be a suitable candidate.
Deadline: Sunday 19th April.

What I needed to manage events:

  • Roughly 5 or 6 hours a week to set aside (depending on what’s going on!)
  • Organised, keeping up with emails and arrangements
  • Good communicator – happy to chat through ideas and explain things clearly
  • Confident on Facebook, Twitter and blogging e.g. WordPress
  • Able to come up with ideas for promoting different events, including who might be the target audience and how to reach them
  • Already familiar (to an extent) with some creatives and performers in Colchester
  • Able to pop in to The Waiting Room if needed, or meet with event hosts from time to time
  • Able to spot potential problems – booking clashes, hosts having difficulty with their event

What I gained from managing events:

  • A lot more about what people might need in order to host events – sound and lighting equipment, catering…
  • Learned more about budgeting
  • Getting on with people from all walks of life
  • Confidence in myself – it’s brilliant seeing things you’ve helped with happening around you
  • A great network of contacts in the creative side of Colchester
  • Loads of fantastic examples which I used - successfully - in job interviews!

Good luck – I’m looking forward to handing over and seeing The Waiting Room go from strength to strength.

Kate x

Meet Gunpowder Gertie AKA Emily Green

Gee Gee gives us the lowdown on how she became a powder keg of creative energy in this beautiful part-blog, part poem. Enjoy, Waiting-Room-ers!

Words…I grew up on a council estate with my Mum in Heybridge, full outside street play, dirt ditches, eating with friends, blond hair, racing down the hill. Sweet. 7 years of joyful living. The next few years were pretty hard.

Rescued, living in shared accommodation as a teen with Ma. Maldon. Limited schooling through a children’s centre. The arts were always an unobtainable passion, focus was on survival. I did however come out with a B in Art GCSE.

16: left home, lived in the Isle of Wight as a community service volunteer for three years.

Continue life trauma…

19: had a baby. My saviour. Keller. The only thing I ever felt I could do. Without choice.

Became a Youth Worker and developed a passion and dedication for nurturing teens/children creatively and individuality.
8 years working for Essex County Council, qualified as a Youth Worker. RED TAPE RED TAPE RED TAPE.

More babies - Eli Wolf and Magnus Wren. Volunteered for Colchester Free Festival while pregnant with Magnus. Developed “can do” attitude and did more and more.

I met Jonny Buffalo of the Hythe Buffalo Tank at Colchester Free Festival (there’s a trend here) and on my first visit to “The Tank” I felt I’d come home. Being surrounded by accomplished international artists, visual/audio engineers and past installations, with a Hythe 140-year-old 3-story warehouse as a backdrop, has spurred me onward over the last 3 years. I feel grateful and privileged to have had the opportunity to work with, alongside and know such inspired individuals, Jonny Buffalo, Dan Peppiatt, SamBear, Dan Monahan, Martin Willis, Joanna Peacock, Rachel Darq, Marc De’ath, Eyesaw and Sara Heard, who not only create/make amazing work but actually live it.

All of these people provide me not only with a visual treat for my peepers but support me by just being and cracking on whatever the weather. Literally. VIVA la Buffalo Tanque!

Worked with Angel Gardens (Festival areas for children) for the last 5 years, who helped me to grow and dream as an artist. Co-ordinating childrens creative spaces at festivals, working with festival folks, living in a caravan and working with recycled materials inspiring “free imagination through crafting”.
Make mess, enjoy, create, experience, feel the process, creating and expressing oneself through the arts and performance.

Alternative education….an education otherwise. Children’s voices should be heard, encouraged to develop and feel empowered not only academically but artistically, to grow from within and believe anything is possible.
I am not inspired to work with children but feel inspired by children who are our future, the next generation. Such a precious beautiful thing. I have worked alongside many adults, children and young people over the years and have always positively advocated that anything is possible, irrelevant of your background.

Work hard, be motivated, inspire, create, be happy.

Gunpowder Kids, I hope, will crossover and connect with people. Drink, eat, connect. Everyone’s invited, no judgement, zero clique, maximum goodness.

There you have it, laid bare, hope to see you at our regular session the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. See the Waiting Room events calendar for specific details


Gunpowder Gertie…aka Emily Green.
